Canadian Light Source

Spectral Range

25-ID 20-BM
Si(111) 4-40 KeV, Multilayers 5-20 KeV Si(111) 3.9-35 KeV


25-ID 20-BM


High Energy Resolution Fluorescence (HERF)

Imaging & Spectroscopy

  • Micro XAFS/XRD/XRF Imaging
  • Macro XAFS/XRF Imaging
  • Confocal X-ray Microscopy


Imaging & Spectroscopy

  • Macro XAFS/XRF Imaging



25-ID 20-BM
Source Insertion Device Bending Magnet
Resolution Si(111) 1 x 10-4
Typical spot sizes Focused: 0.8 x 0.8 µm; Unfocused: 1 x 1 mm Focused: 500 x 200 µm; Unfocused: 10 x 1 mm
Photon Flux 1014 (Si(111)); 1015 (Multilayer) 1011


For general inquiries for beamtime for CLS@APS or to discuss your proposal details prior to submission, please contact CLS@APS beamline scientist Debora Meira.


The CLS@APS programme represents a partnership between the Canadian Light Source (CLS) and the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, USA. Through this arrangement, Canadians have access to techniques and beamlines at APS (some of which they helped develop), continue to aid in sector 20 development and operation, and promote the growth of the scientific community. Beamtime is currently set aside for Canadian use as follows:
20-ID 20-BM Other X-ray Science Division sectors
20% 15% 15%

User time obtained through this mechanism is via the CLS competitive peer review process, emphasizing the excellence of science where there is intent to publish scientific results. 

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for Canadian Access to the APS, the spokesperson must be affiliated with a Canadian university or college and have a CLS Institutional Agreement in place. If the spokesperson is a student or postdoctoral fellow, their Scientific Project Leader must be affiliated with a Canadian university or college.

Users are responsible for requesting beamtime following the CLS Call for Proposals and abiding to all APS policies and procedures associated with participating in an experiment.

Beam Time Allocation & Scheduling

Prerequisite for applying for shifts at the APS is submitting a CLS Proposal to the CLS during its Call for Proposals. 

An active CLS@APS Project must then request shifts by submitting a Shift Request through the CLS User Portal for the appropriate APS Cycle by the APS Proposal Deadline. To submit a Shift Request, visit the Project page for your active CLS@APS Project, and use the "Request Shifts" button.

For applications for CLS@APS beamtime through the end of 2024, please either submit a Rapid Access Proposal or submit a Shift Request against an active CLS@APS Project.

The allocation and scheduling of shifts is managed by the CLS@APS staff. Beamtime requests are prioritized each cycle based on peer review scores. The CLS@APS staff will also take into consideration scientific productivity as indicated by publications resulting from previous beamtime allocated at the APS via the CLS.  

Please note, if multiple requests are received from the same team through the APS GUP and CLS@APS process for the same APS Cycle, then APS GUP would have first consideration. If awarded beamtime, no additional access would be provided through the CLS PUP.  If not awarded APS GUP beamtime, then you would be eligible to be considered for CLS PUP time based on score and availability of beamtime on requested beamline.

Submitting a CLS@APS General User Proposal

  1. Contact CLS@APS staff to discuss your research
  2. Submit a proposal to CLS through the User Portal
    • Select CLS-APS or CLS-APS-Other from the options under Facility. Please note that successful proposals are valid by default for 2 years (6 APS cycles).
  3. Request shifts against your active CLS@APS proposal:
    • Through the CLS User Portal, request shifts from your Project page by the APS Proposal Deadline for the appropriate APS cycle.
  4. After you are awarded beamtime
  5. After you have completed your experiment: