Students on the Beamlines Training
February 1st, 2025
Who: All Educators - High School or Post Secondary |
Interested in a professional development opportunity to enhance your inquiry and experiential teaching approaches? To have your students participate in the Students on the Beamlines (SotB) program, you'll need to complete the SotB training. This one-day information session will introduce you to the goals of the program and our application process!
Elder Advised Professional Development
Summer 2025 - Tentative
Who: Indigenous Educators |
Join us for an exciting professional development opportunity guided by our Elder Advisory Council to demystify science and empower Indigenous educators working with Indigenous youth.
Stay tuned for more details and information!
Culturally Responsive Workshop
Fall- Tentative
Who: All Educators - All Grades |
Join our dynamic Professional Development sessions, where you'll gain invaluable insights and practical strategies for creating a culturally safe and welcoming science space.
Stay tuned for more details and information!