Canadian Light Source

Tour request form

Please fill out this form to inquire about booking a tour of the Canadian Light Source for a large group, or a group requiring special accommodations. For small groups (10 people max.), please sign up your guests through our tour calendar.

Organizations, companies, conferences, local associations, groups requiring special accommodations, schools
20-30 guests max. (depending on resource availability)
Mon-Fri, 9 am-4:30 pm
45 minutes

If guests are minors, we require one adult chaperone for every nine children.

Asterics (*) in the form indicate mandatory fields.

Possible tour dates

Please indicate two or three date options. Please note that due to high volume of requests we need three to four weeks notice.

Information about tour attendees

If your guest list is not set yet, please provide an estimate of the number of attendees.

Add information about tour attendees here, including their interests (I.e. scientists, university students, members of a community organization, grade 5-12 students, conference attendees, corporate etc.).

Our tours entail standing and slowly walking for about 45 minutes. Our building is wheelchair accessible. An elevator is available for guests who may require it.

List of tour attendees

Please note that as a federally regulated facility, the Canadian Light Source is required to check visitors in at the entrance.

Please include full names and affiliations (identify chaperones, if applicable). Write N/A if you indicated that you would provide your list at a later date.

Please ensure that you are not submitting confidential or sensitive information.