Role of the Beamteam
- Providing, in collaboration with CLSI beamline scientists, scientific leadership for the beamline. The scientific direction of the beamline is expected to be consistent with the CLSI strategic Plan;
- Leading applications to funding agencies for both the initial funding of the beamline, and that of any future upgrades to the beamline;
- Providing expertise and advice during the design stages of a new beamline, or a major upgrade.
- Providing expertise and advice towards the design and performance of benchmark experiments for the purposes of demonstrating the extent to which the beamline has met design specifications.
- providing advice on technical developments, advancements and upgrades as may be required to ensure that the beamline remains competitive with similar beamlines at other synchrotron facilities;
- assisting with commissioning and implementation of technical upgrades as required;
- supplying resources, including financial funding, equipment, and personnel to assist with the development and operation of the beamline;
- increasing awareness of the capabilities and application of the beamline, and the CLS in general, and growing the user community;
- actively participating, where applicable, with other CLSI teams or committees;
- being actively involved in the mentorship of new users as well as, developing analytical techniques and research applications at the beamline; and
- assisting with the recruitment of Beamline Scientists; the Beamteam will be solicited for a representative to sit on any beamline staff hiring committee for positions at the “Scientist” or “Senior Scientist” level. Beamteams may also be asked for a representative to sit on hiring committees for lower beamline positions, at the discretion of the Beamline Responsible.
Role of the CLS
CLSI’s primary roles include:
- Maintaining the beamline in operational condition;
- Providing user support, including training in the operation of the beamline;
- Providing the operating and maintenance budget for the beamline;
- Providing the scientific support staff for the beamline;
- Providing technical support for the beamline, including:
- Mechanical and electrical design of the beamline and components,
- Engineering support,
- Software development.
- Providing the administrative support for the beamline, including:
- Safety and technical review of beamline proposals,
- Peer Review and allocation of General User proposals,
- Management of industrial science projects and purchased access clients, and:
- Detailed scheduling of beamtime
Joining a Beamteam
As needed, beamteams should endeavor to recruit new beamteam members to replace inactive members, with consideration given to early career researchers. Any user that meets the beamteam membership eligibility criteria (section 6.2) may apply.
The beamteam membership appointment application is to include:
- A CV
- A statement of past experience and accomplishments at the relevant CLS beamline, other beamlines at the CLS, and similar beamlines at other synchrotrons. (max. 1 page)
- A proposal for how the applicant will a) contribute to fulfilling the roles of the beamteam as articulated in section 3.0, and b) make productive use of any beamteam priority access beamtime granted. Note: individual beamteam members need not fulfill all the roles articulated in section 3.0. (max. 1 page)
- A recommendation letter from any beamteam member in good standing. This recommendation letter may include feedback from the other beamteam members.
- A recommendation letter from the current Beamline Responsible.
- The names of two unbiased references that may be contacted, at the discretion of the UEC, for further information